About Us

Welcome to Vibranium Capital Group

A strategic private investment company.

Vibranium Capital Group is a low-volume, high value-add firm that makes a limited number of investments in outstanding companies in the U.S. and Africa. We look for companies that are, or on the path to be, the leading players within their industry verticals.  At Vibranium Capital Group we act as a Sherpa for smart capital and strategic partners looking to capitalize on opportunities in fast growing markets.


An international history

Our principals have been building business internationally since 1993.

Our founders, Kojo Mills and J. Eric Wright have been building and investing in companies internationally since 1993 when they were part of the co-founding team of an investment bank in Ghana. In addition, our partner, William Egbe, spent 19 years running various Coca-Cola international P&L divisions managing over 60,000 employees, and $2 billion in revenue.  We bring considerable experience and know-how to companies looking to scale rapidly.


Our Name

According to Marvel Universe, Vibranium is the invincible substance found in Africa and used to build the richest and most technologically advanced fictional country in the world, Wakanda. As such, we felt it fitting to name our firm, Vibranium, as we set out to invest in and build world class, tech-enabled companies across Africa. Technology will underpin the creation of innovative business models, enabling disruptive new players to leapfrog outdated businesses with legacy technologies and will drive exponential growth.

Vibranium Capital Group. More than capital.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the premier custodian and conduit for sophisticated capital sources.

Our Mission

Our mission is to marry unique investment opportunities with creative capital solutions to build great companies.

Our Credo & Values

We ask, probe, inquire, until we understand.
We pride ourselves on understanding and navigating complex transactions in inefficient markets.
We value curiosity. 


We win, when everyone wins.
We believe our investments should be transformative for the entrepreneurs we back, the communities our companies serve, our partners and employees that work with us, and our investors that have entrusted us with their resources.
We value sustainability.


We are unconventional.
We seek companies that find ways to allow their employees to have fun while delivering awesome customer experiences. After all, happy employees are more productive.
We value fun.


We play the long game.
We strive every day to make our reputation our competitive advantage through honesty, transparency, fairness and frankness.
We value integrity.


We aim to make our partners proud.
We treat investor capital with greater care than our own, reward our employees for teamwork and imagination, exit companies better than we found them, and believe that greatness should be our starting point.
We value lasting relationships.